How long do you recommend to leave the whitening solution on for the best results?

Advanced Hybrid/Brilliance: Although we added a little HP to add a little extra whitening power (ADVANCED) it still remains CP based, which activates at a much slower rate than HP based products. We recommend a maximum session of 90 minutes for best results. This gel is also best suitable for those with above average sensitivity.

Ultra/Gleaming Whitening Gel: Despite only containing 16% HP 22% HP these solutions are still powerful enough to combat and remove stains while remaining gentle enough on sensitive teeth, creating the perfect balance between a pleasant experience and optimal results. We recommend a minimum session of 60 minutes for best results. You may go up to 90 minutes but keep in mind that it may increase the probability of sensitivity occurring. 

Vivid Whitening Gel: At 30% HP this gel packs a powerful punch to attack stains beyond the surface level. It is vitally important that this gel does not touch any soft tissue like the gums. Because of its potency, we recommend a maximum of 60 minutes but we have found that for best experience and results, 45 minutes is ideal to reduce the possibility of sensitivity and still obtain vivid results. 


How long is recommended to leave the teeth whitening solution applied for the best experience and results?

There are different recommended treatment times depending on the strength of the whitening solution  and how well the teeth respond to the treatment (as results) and sensitivity as it varies from person to person. Our general rule of thumb is no whitening  solution  should be left applied longer than 90 minutes per treatment/session. Whitening solution is formulated to penetrate below the tooth enamel to lift/remove food and drink stains that accumulates over a lifetime and if left for an extended period of time, coupled with the heat from the teeth whitening, it may reach the dentin causing sensitivity making it a very uncomfortable experience. 


Why does the consistency of the solution change/ become runny?

Teeth whitening solution consists of a few ingredients all of which have different viscosity levels, sometimes those ingredients separate when expired and/or exposed to particular temperatures. For example, the ingredients that make up the gel has greater viscosity than Hydrogen Peroxide so when exposed to refrigeration temperatures, the Hydrogen Peroxide may separate from the gel because it is easier for the gel to harden/freeze than HP so the two naturally separate and the HP may travel to the tip of the pen or syringe. This is not uncommon. If you do experience this, it is best to let the solution rest in a normal room temperature environment for a few minutes to allow the ingredients to rebind and return to its original consistency for best application and flow. Remember to check your refrigerators settings to ensure it is set to its normal operating temperatures. If the solution remains runny, it is likely that the solution has expired and refrain from using.


How do I know when the solution is expired? What temperature should the gels be kept in?

Solutions can typically last up to one year if stored properly. If expired, the solution becomes runny/water-like and does not return to its original gel-like texture. 

For best refrigeration, set the operating temperature between 35-38F 

Do Not Freeze!

Mini fridges don’t always regulate temperature as well as commercial refrigerators which can alter the consistency of the gels so it is important to adjust accordingly.

We recommend discarding the gel when it has been left in a high temperature environment or exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period of time. Another indicator is if the gel continues to dispense similarly to the consistency of water even after refrigeration. It is important to recap and refrigerate after every use. 




What is recommended for clients who get sensitivity with teeth whitening?

Although experiences vary from person to person, our whitening solutions are specially formulated to reduce the likelihood of sensitivity and a very small percentage of clients actually do.
It is important to actively regulate the amount of time the solution is applied to the teeth and under the light. Remember to also check on your clients periodically as everyone has different pain and sensitivity tolerance.

Our Royal Revitalization Gel is also a great way to avoid sensitivity BEFORE and treat AFTER a teeth whitening session. The revitalizing/desensitizing solution hydrates and restores essential vitamins and minerals to the teeth that a whitening treatment removes during the process. This solution is safe to use regularly with proper application and use. Find more details in the product description.





What should I avoid after my teeth whitening treatment?

It's important to understand that what you do within the next 24 hours is important to maintaining the brightness of your teeth. The general rule of thumb is to avoid any and all food and drinks that can stain white fabrics i.e. 

  • TEA
  • WINE

How often can I have a whitening treatment?

There really is no limit on the number of treatments assuming your oral health is in good condition AND not otherwise advised by a personal physician/dentist. Our products are organic, vegan, and cruelty free however, we recommend limiting treatments to once, every 3-6 months to keep your smile shining bright!

Does it work on existing dental work?

Yes, our gels can actively remove staining from existing dental work such as veneers and crowns. However they will NOT whiten them beyond their original manufactured color used at the time of placement.

How much brighter will my smile get?

Results will always vary. Current tooth shade, treatment time, and composition are just a few variables that impact the level of brightness that can be achieved in just one treatment. Everyones teeth has a natural stopping point, so no matter how many sessions/treatments you undergo, your teeth will eventually stop whitening. What is important is that proper aftercare instructions are followed and scheduling routine touch-up sessions will help you obtain the level of brightness you desire.